December Giveaway!

 Happy December First!

Exciting News!

As Some of you know we were recently in Bolivia South America for a month!

We got to help our well driller drill 3 wells while we were there. It was also a blessing to see the Tsimané tribe we had first drilled for in 2018. We were able to visit people we helped with life saving medical intervention, and we met more new people in need of life's basic needs. In the short time we have been back in the States our Dear well Driller Mervin has continued working and sweating for love's sake to drill 5 more wells! One of those wells was for the blind Tsimané man Bonafacio!! That was one long hard well to drill, as Mervin hit a lot of clay and obstacles! Perseverance pays off, and Bonafacio can now easily hand pump himself a cup of safe and clean water! No more mud drinking for him! Praise God!

More pictures will be coming soon...

Bonafacio & his new well!

But for now please enjoy our presentation regarding this month's exciting Giveaway!
P.S. The video is purposely delayed on the first slide to give viewers time to read it.


Here are the photos from the video if you click on the first photo this will enable you to click through every photo in full screen:
(If you are using a cell phone turn your phone sideways for better viewing)
Link in photo will not work. Please manually navigate to our donate page.

Link in photo will not work. Please see our donate page.

